# ----------------------------------------------- # !!! THIS FILE WAS GENERATED BY TYPE-GRAPHQL !!! # !!! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE BY YOURSELF !!! # ----------------------------------------------- """ The javascript `Date` as string. Type represents date and time as the ISO Date string. """ scalar DateTime type Mutation { """Create a new reservation""" createReservation(input: ReservationInput): Reservation """Create a new store""" createStore(input: StoreInput): Store } type Product { description: String id: String name: String price: Float } type Query { """Get a specific store""" store(id: String): Store """Get all the stores""" stores: [Store] } type Reservation { date: DateTime id: String reservationProducts: [ReservationProduct] } input ReservationInput { reservationProducts: [ReservationProductInput] } type ReservationProduct { product: Product quantity: Int } input ReservationProductInput { productId: String quantity: Int } type Store { city: String id: String name: String number: Int postalCode: String products: [Product] street: String } input StoreInput { city: String name: String number: Int postalCode: String street: String }