Role Name ========= This role installs nmgfitness: Requirements ------------ This role requires a database server to to be present where the django app can connect to Role Variables -------------- - `django_admin_password`: required, password for 'admin' user - `django_secret_key`: optional Secret Key for Django app, defaults to random 56char string recreated on every run (This will invalidated current open sessions) - `django_user`: user running the app, defaults to 'django' (this user will be created) - `django_home`: path to install the djangoapp in, defaults to /home/django (this path will be created) - `django_domain`: the domain this app will run on (Needed for django's ALLOWED_HOSTS), default localhost - `django_db_name`: database name, defaults to 'django' - `django_db_user`: database user, defaults to 'django' - `django_db_password`: database password, defaults to '', (ignored for unix socket connection) - `django_db_host`: database server, defaults to '/run/postgresql/' for local unix socket connection - `django_db_port`: database port, defaults to 5432 (ignored for unix socket connection) - `django_workers`: the number of gunicorn http worker threads (defaults to 4) - `django_http_listen`: the ip address to bind to, change this to ip address of the host if you use a reverse proxy on a different host, defaults to localhost - `django_http_port`: the http port to bind to, defaults to 80 Dependencies ------------ None Example Playbook ---------------- ```yaml - name: "Install im pantry app" hosts: im roles: - ansible-role-djangoapp vars: - django_domain: "" - django_http_listen: "{{inventory_hostname}}" - django_admin_password: "test" - django_app_releaseurl: "" ``` ```yaml - name: "Install im pantry app" hosts: im roles: - ansible-role-djangoapp vars: - django_appname: "im" - django_domain: "" - django_admin_email: "" - django_http_listen: "{{inventory_hostname}}" - django_http_listen: "" - django_http_port: 8000 # needs to be a tar.gz for now # needs to have a file in the django_appname folder - django_app_releaseurl: "" - django_admin_password: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 33366337663233346138373232353438613362636634393334613935303466343238646361613037 3738623833643738636162303362383665646132616362320a366338313363356634636534653932 36383131333437613236303662346637633536373637343562336465663639353765616130353536 3439653639343234390a636334383262663363353030333837316430383762346463386166626637 6536 ``` License ------- GPL-v3 Author Information ------------------ Jens (